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Hymne aux saints Serge et Bacchus

Selon John Boswell, dans son ouvrage Same Sex Unions in Premodern Europe (1994), L'Église médiévale aurait célébré des unions matrimoniales entre partenaires du même sexe, vouant également un culte particulier aux saints Serge et Bacchus, soldats et martyrs romains, qui auraient été amants. La chose demeure discutée parmi les historiens, mais l'hymne est belle...  La voici — en anglais, en attendant une traduction.


Of Serge and Bacchus,
the pair
filled with grace, 
let us sing, O ye faithful!


Glory to Him who worketh
through his saints
amazing and wonderful deeds! 


It was not desire for this world
that captivated Serge for Christ,
nor the empty life of worldly affairs
[that captivated] Bacchus;


rather, made one
as brethren
in the bond of love
they called out valiantly to the tyrant,


“See in two bodies
one soul and and heart,
one will and virtue.
Take those that yearn to please God.”


Glory to Him who worketh
through his saints
amazing and wonderful deeds!

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